sexta-feira, 2 de novembro de 2007

The view from the afternoon

Anticipation has the habit to set you up
For disappointment in evening entertainment but
Tonight there'll be some love
Tonight there'll be a rawkus yeah
Regardless of what's gone before

And she won't be surprised and she won't be shocked
When she's pressed the star after she's pressed unlock
And there's verse and chapter sat in her inbox
And all that it says is that you've drank a lot

You should bear that in mind tonight, bear that in mind
You should bear that in mind tonight, bear that in mind
You can pour your heart out around 3 o clock
When the 2 for 1's undone the writers block

Arctic Monkeys

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

não conheço a musica.
mas beber a amar, fazem parte dos males mais benéficos que já pude provar.